Sundance Film Festival 2024


1) The 2024 Sundance Film Festival received over 12,000 short film submissions, the highest number on record.
From these, 53 short films were selected for the festival lineup.
2) Jesse Eisenberg is talking about his film as writer-director, ‘A Real Pain’. Key takeaway – The incident that stands out which he mentioned was – that during shooting one of the scenes – through the shoot he was only thinking about finishing it on time as he had dinner with the Mayor!
3) Laura Chinn talking about her film ‘Suncoast’ at Sundance 2024. It was her debut film. Insights – her experience – the most talented people are the kindest people and have lots of empathy!

St Kilda Film Festival 2024


Loved watching so many shorts and wonderful talented filmmakers. Chatted and connected with them.

Insights –
I have now my new list of directors and writers I’d like to work with!!

Below are some of my favourites
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Screenworks – Regional to Global


So good to see all major companies — Stan, SBS, ABC, Binge, Paramount Plus under the same roof talking about cinema, content they are looking for, applications they receive… and so many things!

Insights –
Stan receives around 900 pitches and only 20 are picked!

So much work each project goes through…

My favourite – Lisa Shaunessy – Producer. Her talk and journey was inspiring. She also shared some wisdom with me! Yay!